Sunday, September 29, 2019

For Those Who Are Going Through A Rough Time - A Poem

For those who are going through a rough time, here is a poem, I hope will bring comfort.

The room where I go to cry,
Always has a window open.

The listener sees me far away in thought.
"Do you hear the wind in the trees?"

The question centers me in the corner office of the Gothic Church.
"I do, and the birds too."
I am present.

On the long table
A white candle rests inside
A glass lantern.
The wick glows
Honoring the holy space.
God is present in
The room where I go to cry.

I crumple the tissue,
That catches tears.
Two wet circles
On my jeans
Hold my grief,
Like the listener
Sitting with me
In the room where
I go to cry.

Sometimes I swallow my tears
When I am away from here.
But God is there with a bowl
To collect what falls from eyes,
Flows from my heart,
Wherever I am when I cry.


  1. I'm so thankful that there are good listeners who help us to be good listeners. I'm resonating with your poignant collection of words here.
