Sunday, November 26, 2017

Three Simple, Quick Ways to Add Holiday Holiness

Even when Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, many stores display Christmas items - a few since the end of summer. Already I've heard people talk about the holiday season with a sense of dread.

"How can this be?"  I wonder, when celebrating the coming of God's son is the best gift ever!

Here are three simple ways to combat the holiday frenzies that require only an awareness of people encountered and experiences you have - no wrapping paper, tape or bows required. Begin each day with these three thoughts:

     1. How can I bless another?

     2. Ask God to open your heart to receive from someone else - a stranger you talk to or even a person you may see, but don't interact.  Blessings can come from others unaware.

     3. See how God is revealed throughout your day in a new or unexpected way.

Write these suggestions on a piece of paper and tape it on the inside of your car, on the bathroom mirror, or in the kitchen, where you can be reminded of simple ways to add a little holiness to your "to do" list for the day.

For Your Reflection

1. What do you want to remember and hold from the holiday season?

2. How an you make your hopes happen?

Prayer: God, every year we move so quickly through a season that begs for quiet and reflection.Slow us down and open our hearts as we move toward Bethlehem. Amen.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Gratitude All Year

Once again we are almost entering that time of year when we are encouraged to remember our blessings and give thanks. I've noticed, however, that I am reminded year round to give thanks and value the offering of gratitude.

Benefits of Gratitude

Derrick Carpenter in his article "The Science Behind Gratitude and How It Can Change Your Life" notes that those who have a regular practice of acknowledging those things for which they are grateful:

         - experience more positive emotion,
         - feel more alive,
         - sleep better,
         - express more compassion and kindness,
         -have stronger immune systems,
         - have increased life satisfaction.

He continues that expressing gratitude each day can be as simple as writing down a few words, and putting the paper in a gratitude jar.

Write It Down

A feature in the Wellness section of a recent TIME magazine (October 2, 2017), "New Ways to Become Healthier and Happier,"  suggests, "Write a thank you note, reflecting on a friend's impact can brighten your day and theirs," and "Jot down what you're grateful for. Doing so has been linked to greater feeling of happiness."

Five Things to Smile About Each Month

The popular "O" magazine, Oprah's publication, features a whole page in each issue called "The Gratitude Meter." In the middle of the page is a circle with the phrase, "Five things we're smiling about this month." An arrow points to a paragraph that describe  the gratitude represented in each photo.

We don"t have to write for Oprah to do the same, finding at least five things to smile about each month.

Gratitude Alphabet

One of my favorite bloggers,  Amanda Blake Soule (Soule Mama), has a new book that came out last month called The Creative Family Manifesto: Encouraging Imagination and Nurturing Family Connections. She devotes one chapter to gratitude and suggests trying a gratitude alphabet. "Write each letter of the alphabet on a large piece of paper and then decide something for which we are grateful corresponding to the letter."

Children and adults can enjoy this activity. Using the gratitude alphabet at various times of the year nurtures an  awareness of thanksgiving.

Cooking Gratitude

Lilly Burana wrote "Cooking Up Gratitude" in the July/August, 2016, issue of Women's Day describing how cooking a meal for her family used to be a chore she dreaded. One day she remembered that Sunday dinner at her grandmother's house meant wonderful comfort food.

She noted her grandmother "enjoyed cooking, her skills honed as the young, widowed mother of six." Lilly remembered reading this poem on a plaque her grandmother had hanging above her sink.

          "Thank God for dirty dishes; they have a tale to tell.

           While others may go hungry, we're eating very well.

            With home, health and happiness, I shouldn't want to fuss;

            By the stack of evidence, God's been very good to us."

My Experience of Gratitude

I presented a talk in September to a group of clergy spouses about "Staying Together Through The Tough Times." One of my suggestions follow:

"Live with gratitude. Keep a list each day of things for which you are grateful. Gratitude offers a different perspective than reality - that all is not overwhelming and difficult. Gratitude encourages an awareness of God's presence, provision and faithfulness, and recognizes goodness even when life is difficult."

The Gratitude Drawer

Six years ago I went to an antique store in nearby Noblesville, Indiana, and purchased for five dollars an old, narrow desk drawer, just the right size to hold 4 x 6 index cards cut in half. (See picture above.) I stamped each day of the year at the top of the card. Underneath the date, I record in a few words my gratitude for that day. I look forward to the time I spend reflecting on the events, people or experiences I want to remember.

Every Day Throughout The Year

Making gratitude an everyday practice, not just in November when Thanksgiving is celebrated, can fill our hearts with God's abundant blessing. Try some of these ideas so that you might experience more positive emotions, sleep better, smile bigger and feel more alive.

For Your Reflection

1. How can you develop an awareness of those parts of everyday life for which you are grateful?
2. Writing in a journal or on index cards can be reminders of God's provision and goodness throughout the year. Try it!

Prayer: Thank you, God, seems inadequate to describe the way you provide for us. We read numerous examples in the Old and New Testaments how persons in seemingly dire circumstances were given provisions to survive and thrive just like you do for us today. Guide our hearts to offer thanks to you for your generosity throughout our days. Amen.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

God Is In The Laundry

Many churches in the Indianapolis area support a homeless ministry by hosting fourteen homeless people in their church building for a week. Family Promise, is a nationwide organization that helps families in practical ways, starting with providing temporary housing. The families (adults and children) spend the day at the downtown office, where volunteers and staff help them find permanent housing and jobs. The families return to the host church close to 6:00 p.m., where they have dinner, play games and sleep in  Sunday school rooms converted to bedrooms.

Church members cook meals, drive the guests to and from the church, and plan activities for the children after dinner. The church provides towels and bedding for the guests. One Sunday after the guests left, I volunteered to take a couple of bags of laundry home.

Finding The Bags Of Laundry

I chose two bags, both of which were bulging in asymmetrical ways. Trying to keep my balance while carrying these bundles up the stairs was a challenge. I had to shift my position to keep them from toppling over my head and forcing me downstairs. However, the minute I picked up the plastic bags and held them to my chest, my heart was filled with God's presence.

God's Presence

I received with gratitude God's unexpected appearance doing an ordinary task. I took the bags home, dumping the towels, sheets and mattress covers on the floor, starting what would end up being six loads of laundry.

When I loaded the washer, I wondered who had used the towel or sheet I held. I asked myself, "What circumstances led them to become homeless?" I thought about the children who slept on the sheets, knowing how disruptive moving every seven days to another church can be to their emotional development and security.

The complexity of the physical, social, and psychological toil homelessness can bring filled my heart with prayer and compassion for these nameless people. I could touch them through the remnants of their stay and offer prayer as they moved on to another church.

When I folded the clean and dry sheets, towels and mattress pads, I prayed for the person who will use each of them in the future. I prayed that he or she would feel God close during this time of disruption and crisis. I prayed for a smooth transition from homelessness to home.

A Benedictine Experience

While I folded the stacks of bedding, I was reminded of an article I read in the March, 2004, issue of Oprah's "O" magazine. The author, Sara Davidson, describes her experience at a Benedictine abbey in Bethlehem, Connecticut. She was able to participate in worship services and eat with the sisters. She learned all work at the abbey was completed prayerfully and with love. Her last responsibility before leaving was to change the linens on the bed she used

She started by tugging at the sheet corners, trying to hurry along. Then she remembered how the nuns "put love into the cheese, the flowers, and the fruit they grow, the animals they care for, the shawls they weave, and the honey they make. Why not put love into the linens, for the next guest who arrives feeling shy, uncertain, expectant? I slow down and smooth the pillows gently, tenderly, as Mother Margaret Georgina had suggested handling the cheese. The material remembers." (page 242)

I have the assurance that the material for the next person will hold the love and prayer I put into washing and folding each towel, sheet and mattress pad. The material will remember and in a way directed by God will be conveyed to the next adult or child.

Thoughts for Reflection

1. Everyday tasks like washing, folding sheets, making a bed, cooking dinner can seem mundane, but when done with love and an awareness of God's presence can add meaning and blessing to others as well as yourself.

Here are a few suggestions of short prayers to say while you are completing laundry or cooking:

.God I pray your blessing on the person who will sleep under these sheets/use these towels/wear these clothes.  Come to them and give them what they need.

Thank you, God for this food I am preparing. Let it strengthen the bodies of those who will enjoy it, so they may be able to complete their work, learn in school and relax at the end of the day. I pray for those who do not have regular meals that agencies and programs may provide for their needs.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

A Confession at 22,000 Feet

A few years ago, Mike and I went to visit our daughter, Sarah, who at the time, lived in Denver. We walked down the ramp to board the plane and a man wearing cowboy boots turned to me and said, "If you're following me, I don't know where I am going." I laughed taking the edge off the anxiety that often comes when I fly.

We happened to share the row with this gentleman. Mike sat on the aisle, I was in the middle and the gentleman had the window seat. Mike brought a book to read, I had a small quilt to make and the man brought nothing to do.

Shortly after we took off, he started talking to me. He was going to Denver to spend the week fishing with his son, whom he had not seen for two years.

"I've been a truck driver for 30 years. I drive all over the country for a large company," he offered.

I asked a few questions about his work and told him what Mike and I did professionally. That opened him. He began.

"I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of. I fought in Viet Name. I saw and did a lot of things I didn't want to do."

I set my stitching aside to look him straight in his pale, blue eyes. He continued.

"I went to church, but people judged me for riding a motorcycle, for the clothes I wore, my tattoos, my job, my divorce. I want to be married, but I can't seem to hang on to a woman. Takes a special woman to stay married to a truck driver. I regret my marriage didn't last. I didn't go back to church. I feel what happens to me after I die is between me and God."

I listened and felt like I was hearing a confession. I told him I was sorry for his experience at church. I regret he didn't try another church, and will only know God when he dies.

He continued to talk as I pieced a small quilt for a baby shower planned for when I return.

"My wife didn't want the boys so I took them and raised them best I could. We skype and stay in touch that way."

"Sounds like you did a good job. Spending a week together will give you lots of time to talk."

"Yes, we'll have fun in the peace and quiet. I've got bear spray just in case!" he laughed.

"Oh my! I pray you have a wonderful vacation."

"Thank you. We will."

Our conversation ended just as the "fasten seat belts sign" flashed and the pilot alerted us the plane was making the final descent.

I took a few pins out of the little quilt, which grew as I talked. Quilting is a way I feel God's presence, and my piecing provided a holy backdrop for the outpouring of this gentleman's heart. As I folded the quilt to tuck away in my bag, I knew that all I heard and carried to God was recorded in the stitches holding the fabric together.

Questions for Reflection

1. Have you been in a place where someone has opened up to you talking about their concerns either about faith or life circumstances?

2. How have you responded? Have you set aside what you are doing and given the person your full attention? How does your response reflect the way God listens to us?

Prayer: Thank you, God, for putting me next to this stranger who had a need to express thoughts that lived deep in his heart. Help me always to stay present to those whom I encounter and keep me mindful when I need to pause and listen to one of your children. Amen.