Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year's Resolutions at the Post Office and With God

New Year's Day I went to the post office to mail a large envelope to Sarah, and a small package to Anna. The do-it-yourself kiosk in the lobby helped me accomplish my mission. Moving to the center counter to complete the address labels, I noticed another woman out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm starting the new year right paying all of my bills on the first of the month." she said with a big grin, applying the last stamp to a stack of envelopes.

"What a great idea!" I replied, wanting to offer encouragement.

She carried the pile to the other side of the room, slipped her payments through the slot and walked out achieving a resolution the first day of the year!

New Year's resolutions can offer challenge or loose steam by the end of January. Here are a few short questions that may re-energize your walk with God as 2015 begins.
      1.God's word for me today is __________________________________.
      2. I need to forgive __________________________________________.
      3. Help me bring joy to _______________________________________.
      4. I realize God is ___________________________________________.
      5. I see God ________________________________________________.
      6. My favorite place to experience God is _________________________.
      7. I know God loves me because ________________________________.
      8. I think of Jesus as _________________________________________.
      9. The greatest joy in my life with God is _________________________.
      10. God is challenging me to ___________________________________.
      11. An object that reminds me of God is __________________________.
      12. God calls me ____________________________________________.
      13. I call God _______________________________________________.
      14. My image of God is _______________________________________.
      15. I am in awe of God's ______________________________________.

Like the lady in the post office who began the new year with all of her bills paid by the first of the month, perhaps one of the questions will give additional insights or perspectives about the way God rests with you and leads you into service in the kingdom.

Prayer: God, sometimes it is hard to begin to think in new ways. Like the flowers need rain to grow and flourish, we, too, need new thoughts to deepen our time with you, to know you more clearly as we incorporate more and more of you in our lives. Guide and strengthen our pursuit of your presence. Amen.


1 comment:

  1. A daily word from God! Oh, I'd love that! And I also stopped on "my favorite place to experience God," because it's important to take a minute and recognize where that is and make time for it. For me, it's the beach, though, and that sometimes makes me sad because it's soooooo far from where I live. :)

    You've provided an interesting way to think about an important part of each new year--going through this list and answering these questions.
